Often in our worship lives we find ourselves drifting away from regular weekly worship. For adults, weekends are often used for out-of-town travel or home improvement projects that consume the full time off. There are times as adults we have to schedule time for church in our busy lives.
For years we have said the same words each week in worship. We sing a fixed number of songs, we read the same scriptures in The Bible and the creeds we may recite, depending on our faith, bring us together to give thanks to God for all of our blessings.
Easter reminds us that there is life after death, a place beyond this one, and the absence of sorrow, sickness, or loss. There is the promise of reunion with loved ones, perfect health for a perfect “body” or whatever form our spirits transfer to. Our essence goes with us, all because as Christians we believe that Jesus died for our sins and rejoined his father in Heaven at the end of his earthly life, having fulfilled his mission here.
Worshiping together, we also know that we are not alone in this week or any other week when we come together to give God thanks for our many blessings. As young adults with growing families, going to church can be even more of a challenge to get up early, fix breakfast, and have yourself ready and the children ready and pack the car with all the baby items needed to be away from the house for a few hours.
On Easter, church members, as they often do at Christmas, will attend worship this week over any other. Spring renewal brings with it a promise that each year we get a “do-over” in terms of how we live and treat others in our lives.
“Easter is coming! Easter is coming!” When a child says that, often they’re thinking about the arrival of the Easter bunny and the rituals of Holy Week at church that mean special activities and services at church for their family. Hymns are sung, bell choirs ring, as palm fronds and Easter lilies fill our senses with joy.
A child’s enthusiasm and anticipation is infectious; you can’t help but absorb their joy about the coming of Easter. They know parents will spend extra time on a bow tie for a little fellow, or special dress, socks and shoes for a little girl.
Adults embrace Easter as our promise of everlasting life in Heaven, where we will all be together again. Anyone who has lost a loved one clings to this tenet of their faith. For those who were not brought up in a particular religion, Easter can still mean a nice family gathering.
It’s especially hard to say goodbye when death happens if we think we will never again see those we loved while here on Earth. Those who rely on Christian faith are offered comfort and reassurance that God gave his only son, the life of the child he loved so much, to atone for the sins of our generations so that we might all be together again in Heaven.
The Ten Commandments, our moral code, might be perceived as another ancient relic. Yet, it’s a living faith system. Faith is hard when you must have tangible proof of your belief system. Yet, children believe in things sight unseen, a big distinction.
A child who trusts the words of adults about life, goodness and faith, prove they can trust in the promises of God, whether in Sunday School or later. They will, eventually, learn these facts for themselves. And the role of chocolate candy, Easter eggs, and a giant bunny that hides the eggs will give way to faith, hope, and love as our children grow and mature. In the meantime, Chelsea and I are getting Rowen ready for his first Easter experience, complete with church and (possibly) candy. From our family to yours, we wish you a very blessed Easter.
Cody D. Jones ‘02
Owner & Community Member
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