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Texas A&M Body Donation

Texas A&M Body Donation

We coordinate body donations for Texas A&M University, handling all aspects including transportation, preparation, and delivery from across the state. Below, you will find essential information about the body donation process for anatomical studies at the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine's Department of Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics.

Conditions of Acceptance or Refusal

The value of a body is greatly diminished if all parts are not intact. Therefore, bodies from which parts have been removed for transplant purposes or during the course of an autopsy will not be accepted. The Department of Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics cannot guarantee acceptance of a willed or donated body. A body will not be acceptable if any of the following conditions are present:

  1. Organs or parts (other than eyes) have been removed at or following the time of death, such as for transplantation or in an autopsy;
  2. Decomposition of the body prior to embalming;
  3. Severe trauma, such as death from drowning, burning, homicide, or motor vehicle accident;
  4. Open wounds or ulceration of the body, bed sores, skin slip;
  5. Contagious diseases, especially viral, such as virulent herpes, hepatitis, HIV, or some of the dementias;
  6. Excessive obesity or emaciation; weight must be proportional to the height
  7. No person over 6’1″ will be accepted
  8. No person over 190 lbs. will be accepted
  9. Jaundice
  10. The torso, arms, or legs, are in a bent, curled, or fetal position

In summary, the Department of Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics reserves the right to refuse any body donation that cannot be used.

Final Disposition of Remains

Body Donation Studies are usually completed within four years; after the studies are completed the remains are cremated at Callaway-Jones Crematory in Bryan. Arrangements for return of the ashes to the family can be made by writing the Department of Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics requesting the ashes be returned; please provide your relationship to the donor, your name, address, and telephone number. Please note that the request must be made by closest next of kin.

How Can I Sign Up for A Body Donation?

Here is a link to the Bequest Form. You can sign this form yourself for your body donation. You will need to have 2 witnesses sign the form as well. If you would like to come to our office we would be happy to witness the form for you.

Here is a link for the Donation Form if you are a relative of someone who has already passed away and would like to donate their body. This form must be signed and mailed or sent with the body if the deceased did not sign the Bequest Form above.

Mail the completed forms to:
Texas A&M Health Science Center
Department of Neuroscience & Experimental Therapeutics
Attn: Mary Beck Ste. 1005
8447 State Highway 47
Bryan, Texas 77807-3260
(979) 436-0316

What Procedure Should Be Followed Upon My Death?

Contact Callaway-Jones Funeral Home and Crematory at 979-822-3717. We will arrange for your body to be picked up and transported. If you live outside the Bryan College Station area we will arrange for a mortuary affiliate in your local area to make the pickup and transportation on our behalf. We will complete the necessary preparation and transport your body to Texas A&M University. We will secure certified copies of the death certificate and distribute them to the next-of-kin.

What Procedure Should Be Followed Upon My Death?

As long as the body donation is accepted then Texas A&M University will pay for the expenses incurred within a 200 mile radius of College Station. If transportation is required further than 200 miles, then the next-of-kin will be responsible for the additional mileage fee.

What Procedure Should Be Followed Upon My Death?

Family and friends should be comforted by the knowledge that all personnel who work for the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine and its students, as well as all staff of Callaway-Jones Funeral Home and Crematory, hold the greatest respect for those who have donated their body. The teaching laboratory is restricted to medical students, teaching faculty, necessary staff, and health-related professionals. The contribution that participants make to the Willed Body Program is fully recognized and appreciated by all.

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