Virginia Vezorak

Virginia Vezorak, 78, of Gause, Texas, passed away June 24, 2015. Cremation services are in the care of Callaway-Jones Funeral Home and Crematory in Bryan College Station, Texas. For more information contact [wpseo_address id=”undefined”]


  1. So sorry to hear about Virginia’s death. How very sad for all the family and everyone that knew her. She was a very sweet person and we as a family have known her for a long time. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  2. I was really sorry to hear about Aunt Ginny passing away, my heart, thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this time. Remember the good times and cherish the memories.

  3. I was very sorry to hear of her passing. She was always a very considerate and nice lady in the time that I knew her. And I am sure that is the way that she always was. That was just her way.
    I know that this is belated, but I wish to extend my condolences to all of the family.

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