Randall Baker

Randall Baker, 63, of Bremond, Texas, passed away Tuesday July 12, 2016. Services are in the care of Callaway-Jones Funeral and Cremation Centers in Bryan College Station, Texas. For more information contact [wpseo_address show_state=”1″ show_country=”1″ show_phone=”1″ show_phone_2=”1″ show_fax=”1″ show_email=”1″ show_logo=”0″]

Edith Hager

Edith Hager, 65, f Bremond, Texas, passed away Aril 15, 2015. Cremation services are in the care of Callaway-Jones Funeral Home and Crematory. Check back later for full obituary and funeral service information. For more information contact [wpseo_address id=”undefined”]

Gloria Ragan

Gloria Ragan, 65, of Bremond, passed away on Thursday, February 26 in Bremond. A memorial service will be scheduled at a later date. Cremation services are in the care of Callaway-Jones Funeral Home and Crematory. Gloria was born to Joe and Jeffie Young McQueen in Rogers, Texas. After graduating from Rogers High School she gradated … Read more

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