Maria Amalia (Mary) Santiesteban nee Nieves, loving mother, grandmother, and wife, passed away on May 2, 2015, surrounded by loved ones.
Mary was a resident of Bryan, Texas. Previously, she had been a longtime resident of Newton, Massachusetts, Hialeah, Florida, and Holguin, Cuba.
Mary was born in Holguin, Cuba on October 17, 1923, met the love of her life, her late husband Matias Santiesteban, and raised their three children in the US after immigrating to the US in 1957.
Mary was a long time parishioner and Deacon at Newton Highlands Congregational Church, UCC, in Newton, MA. She was also a long-time member of the GFWC Woman’s Club of Newton Highlands, and a regional representative in the national GFWC organization.
As a member of RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program), she taught Spanish Conversation at the Newton Senior Center for several years. She was an active member of the Center, participating in many trips and events.
A kind and wise woman, she imparted her knowledge and caring to her children and grandchildren. When her homeland fell under the dictatorship of Fidel Castro, Mary, already living in the United States, opened her home to relatives fleeing the Castro regime. Siblings, in-laws, cousins, nieces and nephews remember fondly her welcoming embrace. Her door was always open to friends and family, and her children’s friends always considered her their “second mother,” always there with a kind word, a bit of advice, or a delicious meal.
Unable to fulfil her own dreams of a college education, she worked hard to ensure that her three children would all become college graduates and successful professionals.
Maria Amalia (Mary) Santiesteban is survived by her brother Sergio Nieves, her daughters, Marilyn Santiesteban and Cindy Santiesteban, her son Joseph Santiesteban, six loving grandchildren, and countless friends and relatives who remember her cooking and her kindness.
Interment was private. A celebration of her life will be held in Miami, Florida in June and in Newton in August. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Newton Highlands Congregational Church (NHCC) at 54 Lincoln St, Newton, MA 02461.
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Dear Marilyn,
Please accept our condolences on the loss of your wonderful mother. She had a good., long life, but that does not make the loss easier to bear and our thoughts are with you and the family at this time. Memories of your mother are inseparable from memories of our two families together, particularly over good food and wine at your Christmas Eve parties, much missed, as you all are.
Love to all,
Richard, Joan, Sarah, and Julia
Thank you Richard. Mom had a long, rich life but it is so hard to let her go. I feel adrift without her.
Our families have been intertwined for so many years! What joy to see your girls grow from rambunctious elementary school kids to accomplished young professionals. My Mom always enjoyed seeing you all every Christmas. She’ll be looking down on us she never missed a party!
Much love,